Why is the Motor Trade Still Male-Dominated?

4 years ago | Posted in: Press Release | 2660 Views

Both men and women use cars just as much as each other, and yet the automotive industry remains decidedly male-dominated and focused. In 2020, this kind of gender disparity, while not surprising, is something that most of us would like to see addressed. The industry does not necessarily have to make it to an even 50/50 split; there will always be some jobs that more men prefer and other jobs that more women prefer.

But when you consider that even the most generous estimates put the number of female workers in the automotive industry at around 20% or 1 in every 5, it is clear that this is about more than just preferences.

Do Women Like Cars?

Cars are generally viewed as a primarily male interest, something that men are inherently more attracted to than women. But considering that the car itself is not a gendered product, and both men and women get equal use and value out of vehicles, it is worth asking exactly why this is.

Part of the problem is a long-standing bias that has designated engineering as a male pursuit. According to this outmoded way of thinking, women are unlikely to be very interested in cars because that interest requires an understanding of the underlying mechanics, and women cannot possibly be interested in such things. However, the rate at which women are buying their first cars is more than twice that of men.

Clearly then, women are interested in cars, at least as consumers. Which brings us back to the question of why the industry itself is so male-dominated.

Image Problems

Over the last couple of decades, scantily clad women have been a staple of motor trade shows, and have featured heavily in advertising for new vehicles. This has definitely compounded the sense that this is a man’s industry, and naturally deters many women from pursuing a career in something that they are interested in. Worse still, this approach sends out the message that the place women occupy in the automotive industry is leaning over the bonnet of a car while looking back seductively.

If more women are to be encouraged into the automotive industry, there needs to be a shift in attitudes. Women should more often be depicted as engineers, drivers, and active users of vehicles. Instead, women are generally portrayed almost as if they are one of the optional features that come with a vehicle.

Starting a Business

If women do decide to brave it and launch their own motor business, they still have to overcome all the usual hurdles that make it difficult for women to rise through the ranks of many Industries. But it is only by encouraging women to do just this that we can redress the balance and bring more women into the industry. By increasing the number of motor trade businesses led by women, we can show other women that the industry is becoming more welcome to them.

If you want to be an active part of making this change, you should consider starting your own motor trade business. This is a little more involved than some types of business. For example, you are legally required to Get Motor Trade Insurance from Tradex or a similar provider, but it is worth it for the opportunity to indulge your passion professionally.

The motor trade remains heavily male-dominated, but it doesn’t have to be this way. We are heading in the right direction, but there is still work to do. Every man and woman within the industry can play a role in making this change happen.

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