How to Show You Care as a Company

5 years ago | Posted in: Business | 524 Views

You want your company to be the best that it can possibly be. This covers everything from how your employees feel when they are at work to how your company impacts other people. You do not have to do everything at once, but you do need to have plans in place for what you want to accomplish in the long term.

If you are new to starting a business or are looking for some new things to implement in your company you will need to do some research. You will also need to think of what is going to be best for your company.

Here are the 5 things that you should consider when building a caring company:


The best thing that you can do is to use open and honest communication with your employees. A lot of companies will not be able to communicate with their employees which leads to a communication gap. This leads to employees being out of the loop and feeling as though they are not valued.

Keep communication open by talking face to face with your employees about changes. Hold frequent, short meetings with your team and employees about important changes that impact them. There are also different apps that allow employees to communicate with others over their smart devices.

Know Your Impact

When you have things set in place you can really start to think about how you impact other companies and economies. Look at the paper products you use or the products that you sell. Are there better products that you could be buying? Do you know how those products are made? Take a look at the essential oil industry. Not every company shows their sourcing, like doTERRA and its co impact sourcing, but some companies show everything from where the products are picked and how they are processed. 

Make Rules But Be Flexible

This does not mean that you make rules but then ignore them or disregard them. This means that you should have ground rules in place that are basic rules that most companies follow and enforce.

What you do not want to do is to make so many little rules anytime something goes wrong. This creates a lot of emails and meetings that do not really accomplish everything. Instead of making new rules every time something goes wrong. You can bring it up, talk about it and see how it can be resolved without making new rules that restrict current and future employees.

Allow Your Employees to Take Vacations

Most companies will give employees some time off but usually it is not enough for the whole entire year. When you do not allow your employees to have the right amount of time off this can ultimately lead to burnout and employees missing work from being sick.

You will also want your employees to be able to take time off when they are sick and not feeling well. If employees do not feel like they can call in sick they will probably come to work which increases the risk for other employees getting sick. It is better for one person to be sick and take several days off then having most of the office out sick.

Create a Positive Environment

You want your workplace to be a serious, professional environment, especially if you have clients and potential customers coming into your office space. But, you do not want your office place to be so serious and so professional that your employees can’t communicate with each other or bounce creative ideas off of each other.

Having a positive company culture will allow your employees to relax and be more productive and effective if they know they will not get in trouble every time they try to talk to each other. Get to know your employees and what they need as employees.  

What are some ideas that you have implemented into your company that have been a good thing? Comment below to start the conversation!

by: Dennis Hung

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