7 Game Changing Content Marketing Strategies

6 years ago | Posted in: Technology | 1056 Views

Most successful brands use various marketing strategies to showcase their unique attributes and charm their customers. In almost all cases, it takes hard work for these organizations to achieve a high level of success. The good news is that there are plenty of universal strategies that you can implement to help your business achieve its goals. Find here seven of these strategies.

Use Live Videos

If you have a website that has no images and has low conversions, consider using videos. Studies have shown that it is one of the best ways to not only increase conversion but also improve SEO ranking and increase click-through-rates in emails. Through these types of videos, you are also able to get live feedback. As such, these videos can increase your exposure significantly within a short time and give you a good opportunity to know what your customers need.

Create a Free Course

Remember real content marketing is about learning. Since blogs and websites are everywhere at this particular moment, find ways to dive deeper into learning a broad topic and stand out in the crowded field. Offer useful courses that will impact the lives of your audience and see yourself become a go-to-person for the subjects you offer. This may sound tedious, but it doesn’t have to be so. Use tools such as a Collaboration Workspace to create a website that can host the course. As a business owner, you have business-related content you have already created. Review and repurpose them and start from there.

Use Humor

The success of your content marketing relies so much on your ability to understand psychology. People react in positive ways towards people who make them happy. As such, devise ways to entertain your users. Remember you need to use humor naturally for it to have a positive impact on your audience. Never force it. If you don’t have a natural comedic personality that you can use to your advantage, take time to learn the skill or hire someone to cover the shortfall.

Be Responsive

Listen to your customers and get back to them promptly. They want to know that you respect them. Give them as many opportunities as possible to hear from you. Set up an autoresponder, take your customer service to social media, and hire a well-trained team of support staff. This way, you will be able to build deeper connections with your customers and make them happy.

Capture Your Audience’s Attention

Your audience is busy and has no time to read any posts on your site. Write headlines that intrigue them to click through. Follow through on your promise to win their trust. Ensure your killer headline is attached to the content to be on the safe side. Get in the right habit and be on the road to success.

Use Authentic Images

Share photos online as images are a powerful form of communication. Further, for your brand to be noticed, share high-quality pictures that your audience will consider authentic. The right images should capture a candid moment. The more often your audience sees believable images, the more likely they will value your brand.

Tell Your Brand’s Stories

Tell your brand’s stories often. The stories should stem from an honest account of what the business stands for. People love real stories that are compelling, entertaining, memorable, and inspires. Ensure your content writers apply your brand’s unique narrative to describe in detail all important areas of the business from sales to public relations and funding to marketing. Use storytelling irrespective of your brand’s size, and you will be able to connect in meaningful with your customers.


Whether you are new to content marketing or not, you can still do something to increase the success of your content marketing. Remember it won’t hurt if revisit your content strategy plan and ensure it is up-to-date. If you can use these strategies to create just one or a few posts and get a steady flow of traffic, go ahead and do it.



by: Dennis Hung


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