Chinplants demands growing faster than breast implants and Botox

12 years ago | Posted in: Health | 555 Views

Recent statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveal that chin enhancement is the fastest growing plastic surgery choice among all major demographics and it looks like one reason for its popularity is the rise in video chats. Although we often hear about breast implants, liposuction and Botox injections, less news is published about chin augmentation.
Yet the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) report that the demand for chin augmentation procedures grew more than breast augmentation, Botox and liposuction combined in 2011.
The rise in demand was from both women and men, with the largest increase seen in patients age 40 or older. Overall, in 2011 there were 20,680 chin augmentations performed – a 71% increase over 2010 figures.

Enhancements were performed on 10,087 women (66% increase) and 10,593 men (76% increase).
The ASAP state the reasons for the surge in chin enhancement surgeries and procedures are:

• rise in use of video chat technology
• an aging baby boomer population
• desire for success in the workplace

In the press release ASPS President Malcolm Z. Roth, MD. says:
The chin and jawline are among the first areas to show signs of aging. People are considering chin augmentation as a way to restore their youthful look just like a face-lift or eyelid surgery. We also know that as more people see themselves on video chat technology, they may notice that their jawline is not as sharp as they want it to be. Chin implants can make a dramatic difference.
According to All About Chin Augmentation – A Patient Education and Support Network “This procedure can be as simple as injecting a temporary soft tissue augmentation filler to implanting a silicone or Porex chin implant, to having a genioplasty.” Or as Mediline Plus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine from the National Institutes of Health state:
“A chin augmentation is a surgical procedure to reshape or enhance the size of the chin. It may be done either by inserting an implant or by moving or reshaping bones.”
Why would anyone consider reshaping their chin? All About Chin Augmentation claims that a weak chin may cause a regular sized nose to appear too big and a prominent nose to look even larger. They also say that weak chins may cause a neck to look “‘fleshy.” Their aim is to create “a balanced relationship within the structure of the face.”
The other two options available that Internet users may find cheaper and preferable to plastic surgery are finding apps such as Face Cam that enhances your look online or join in the fun with other web-cam users and install software that will purposely distort your face.



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