Child Labor..

10 years ago | Posted in: Articles | 1357 Views

Wordsworth has said: “The child is father or the man.” Children are our future. Now when they are so important, we must realize what are doing for them. Have we succeeded in providing them the basic necessities of life such as education and health care? Although the government NGOs and other organizations are busy in solving the problem of child labour yet nothing seems to have come out of their work.

Poverty is the main case of this failure. The poor parents are forced to push their children into practical life at an early age. Such children face a life of hardship and deprivation. Children can be seen working everywhere. They work in small hotels, tea-stalls, as domestic servants, sweeping floors in small industrial workshops, office boys and staff assistants. They are seen cleaning cars parked on roads, polishing shoes, selling goods and many other such odd jobs.

Every child has his right to enjoy his childhood. But in spite of this a few children are forcefully put to work throughout the world about 250million children are child laborers. Due to poverty poor parents put their children to work in order to supplement the family’s economic status.

We can find children selling newspapers on highways. All such adverse practices are to be abolished once for all, without leaving its traces for future generations. The government and non-government organizations (NGO’s) should take some steps to tackle with this problem of child labour. The government should enact a comprehensive law for the elimination of child labour from its very roots It should create a welfare fund exclusively for the development and welfare of children. It should declare that child labour below fifteen years of age is a criminal offence. Child Labour is a curse. We must work to get rid of it at all costs.


“They began work at 5:30 and quit at 7 at night. Children six years old going home to lie on a straw pallet until time to resume work the next morning! I have seen the hair torn out of their heads by the machinery, their scalps torn off, and yet not a single tear was shed, while the poodle dogs were loved and caressed and carried to the seashore.” 



By: Ammara Siddique



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