Bosnian Reality

11 years ago | Posted in: Articles | 1044 Views

” We want to die as humans”-  said Miroslav Krleza last century, but even in this century his words are echoing in space, and that is from the  mouths of  unemployed citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the Federal Employment Service, Employment Service of the Republic of Serbia and Employment Brcko  Bosnia and Herzegovina has 522,052 unemployed people, which brings us to the first place in the region.

Severe economic crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been going on for years causing difficulties in the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state, and leads the community in a marginalized position. Attempts to resolve this problem have been entered into  everyday conversation, the brighter  future of Bosnia and Herzegovina became a constant phenomenon in our dreams, while rows ahead of CES every day are getting longer. Perhaps, an important role is played by the fact that the institutions of  Employment turned into bases for recording the unemployed, which in any case is  not mitigating for the citizens seeking to work.  What is the cause of the recording of the institutes?

By signing to the institutions you are gaining certain social benefits, which are the most common motive for people to record. On the other hand, there are workers who are employed, but work on the black market, and are registered as unemployed, which then leads to the fact that they are not actively looking for a job because they already have it”, says the Agency for Labour and Employment of BiH.

Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina will surely ask: “Where to  work?”

From unofficial sources, since the Croatian media have not published this information, i found out that the former Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor at the time of her mandate issued an order that on the borders, people coming from the direction of Bosnia and Herzegovina are strictly searched, to determine from which intent they come, as well as the ban on the extension of the work of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Croatia.

Today, after the Croatian entry into the European Union-  money of the  citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina are being counted in their wallets and if they  do not have 100 euros per day are being brought back.

One fact is clear, as Europe opened its door to us with visa-free regime, neighboring countries are closing their doors to us. What should BIH citizens do now, who for centuries just want a piece of bread and land to call their own? BiH citizens certainly will not take initiatives, nor any radical actions,  which confirms us discontent  protests in Banja Luka, organized by the Association of Citizens ” sharp zero” where  exclusively young people appeared and in number of only few hundred.

Of course, just like  peaceful protest in front of the Parliamentary Assembly, which did not brought any positive results. I really think this verse “bleak bosnian reality” from a young poet is accurate, where he alludes on the Bosnian society, and the veracity of the verse confirms the fact of high rates of inactive population.

According to the survey, 1.43 million citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina are inactive, in which is counted  able-bodied people who are not working,  not doing anything to find a job and are not prepared to accept a job if someone offers them. According to the study by the World Bank and the Institute of Economics in Sarajevo, besides skill level and age, the reasons for the low participation rate of the population are post-conflict trauma, lack of motivation and difficulty in adjusting to a market system.

Additional factors are subjective feeling of difficulty finding employment, a generous system of social benefits, and the conviction that the wages/salaries in the labor market are low. Perhaps the light of democracy at the end of the tunnel is the fact that a relatively equal number of men and women are in the employment services in the records, but the Bosnian people are still  walking hungry? And where is the end of poverty and misery? Digging through garbage, killing for a piece of bread while SIPA is disarming Muslim population just as in 90s?


By Safer Grbić

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