Befriend Yourself, There is Only You

9 years ago | Posted in: Breathing Words | 1037 Views

We’ve seen the enemy;  and the enemy is us.

Never revel or wallow on your limitations instead unleash your hidden
potentials.  Stay focused.

Know the truth about yourself and just be yourself.   Befriend yourself.

Have the ability to discern between who you are and what you do.  Be
your best friend.

Know by heart what you really want to do in life and do it very well.
Do it over and over again until you master the trade.

Never criticize your self and replace it with regular and positive
self – talk.   I am happy and I am beautiful!  Say it over and over
again as you face the mirror every morning.

Paint a clear picture of yourself functioning successfully and happily
to replace fear of failure.   Stay positive.

Know the ability or capacity to have oneness with your body and
spirit.   Commune with nature once in a while and you will feel a
refreshed you.

Never be guilty about what you have done or been through in the past.
Try your best to live above neurotic guilt.  Forgive yourself now
otherwise you end up in despair.

Never allow rejection to keep you from taking the first step in your
dealings or interactions with people.  No man is an island.

You can make positive changes to improve your life.  Try it.

“Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to
leave them alone in order to do it.”   If it is time for them to go or
leave,  let it be.   If they will be happy,  you will be happy in

Make sure that the choices you make are good for YOU,  because YOU’RE
the one whose gonna have to live with them.

Silence begets silence but in the final analysis who are the losers?
Both get hurt because they are only hurting the ones they love.  Is it
really an option to hurt the one you love with your gift of silence?

Let go of negatives ,  focus on the positives.   Fly light in your life journey.

Thinking good thoughts instead of dark or evil ones is a way of doing good.
Kindness begets kindness,  no loss only gains.

Seek harmony,  peace and prosperity in all areas of life.   Love life.

Run wild like the horses sometimes.  It will make your day if you let
go of the child in you.  Enjoy the present moment.

WORRY why do I let myself worry?

Love the sound of silence once in a while and keep in touch with yourself.

Learn to let go if necessary. There is no use holding on if someone wants to go.

The one true LOVE is yet to come  whenever your heart is broken.
Never fret because it is not yet the end of the world.

LOVE is the bridge between two hearts.

“My love will be in my heart and not in my words.
My anger will be in my words and not in my heart.”

“All the so-called “secrets of success” will not work unless you do.”
Author Unknown

Be yourself.  People may or may not like you, but it’s important that
you stay true to who you are. It is better to suffer being who you are
than it is to suffer trying to be someone that you are not. Worry
about your character and not your reputation, because your character
is who you are, and your reputation is only what people think you are.
– unknown

The most important thing in life is not money or good lifestyle but
honor, respect and unconditional love.

Be yourself.  People may or may not like you, but it’s important that
you stay true to who you are. It is better to suffer being who you are
than it is to suffer trying to be someone that you are not. Worry
about your character and not your reputation, because your character
is who you are, and your reputation is only what people think you are.
– unknown



Contributed by:  Margie Gellor Villanueva 

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